Our mission is simple:  to materially reduce the number of individuals experiencing homelessness in Dallas County by providing a wide breadth of services in a single location.

We believe that the best way to make the most immediate and effective impact is a campus, located outside of downtown, that will provide turnkey social and medical services to all of the people who need them.  A team of devoted professionals will be onsite to address a multitude of needs ranging from the complexities of various mental health disorders, substance abuse, education and vocational training, and financial literacy to basic human needs such as providing food and shelter.

We recognize that these goals are complicated and difficult to accomplish, but we are committed to expending the necessary resources (both private and public) and dedicating the appropriate expertise in order to affect real change in these areas.

By collaborating with the City of Dallas, Dallas County, the State of Texas, HUD, Housing Forward, the All Neighbors Coalition, and its army of passionate service providers, as well as private industry’s business leaders, we can accomplish the mission of providing a vulnerable population of Dallasites the vital care and support that they need, while making our downtown, streets, and public spaces safer, cleaner, and more appealing for all members of our community, and for visitors of this great city.

Bold acts result in big change. Dallas needs it now.

Help us make a difference!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Modeled after Haven for Hope in San Antonio, the facilities will include multiple buildings and uses on a sprawling campus. At full buildout, the campus will be reminiscent of a small town.

The R4R campus will be designed to assist every single unsheltered person in Dallas – from the newly homeless family needing a temporary helping hand to the chronically homeless addict with severe mental health disorders – with the goal of being the first major US city to truly eliminate homelessness.

R4R Leadership is currently evaluating multiple potential campus locations with the goal of establishing site control by the end of 2024.

Although homelessness is nothing to be ashamed of, R4R Leadership believes that Downtown Dallas needs to remain as harmonious and pristine as possible – a showcase allowing commerce to flourish and downtown residents and visitors to feel safe. With substantial new investment entering the CBD via major initiatives such as the Convention Center redevelopment and the potential high-speed rail line, equally substantial investment in social initiatives are necessary to create a world-class urban environment.

R4R Leadership is currently working with the City of Dallas and local stakeholders to establish a location and begin construction of the facilities for a Grand Opening in 2028.

For more information, please email Info@RefugeForRenewal.org